In addition to dealing with the basics of form design andconstruction, Formwork for Concrete presents chapters devoted tospecialized problems of architectural concrete, mass concrete,shell structures, underground structures, and special constructiontechniques. The form design examples and the form design tables ofChapters 6 and 7 have been completely revised for the sixthedition. They now reflect the most recent changes in lumber designstandards and allowable stresses, resulting from the lumberindustrys in-grade testing program. The text has been revised forconsistency with the 1994 report of Committee 347, Guide forFormwork for Concrete (ACI 347R-94), which is reprinted completelyin the appendix. The appendix also reprints verbatim the currentOSHA regulations for concrete and masonry construction, as well asbuilding code provisions for formwork from Building CodeRequirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-89, Revised 1992),Revisions for the sixth edition were reviewed and approved by theAmerican Concrete Institute Committee 347.Keywords: architecturalconcrete; construction materials; falsework; folded plate; formwork(construction); mass concrete; precast concrete; prestressedconcrete; quality control; reinforced concrete; shells (structuralforms); tunnels.
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