You can buy educational licenses directly from our online store. Use the links below, or contact if you have questions. Fontlab Ltd is a Panama corporation and does not have a US tax ID or European VAT number.
You can install using a single-user license and serial number up to five times, as long as it is intended for a single user. This is not intended to allow multiple users on different computers, or at the same time.
fontlab transtype 4 serial 20
Download File:
If you have your serial number but it is not accepted, you'll need a new license file linked to the new computer. Submit a support request via our online form. In that request please include your serial number. They will be happy to get you up and running.
Note that you can't use your FontLab Studio 5 serial number on FontLab VI, you need to get a new serial number from their orders person! Use that support form above, or email [email protected] the obvious domain name. 2ff7e9595c